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CRE312 Portfolio - VOLUME 3 (single pages) Alexis Tay.png

User Journey Narrative


One of the first task in creating the lesson exchange app is to plan its basic functionalities through imagining a realistic user’s journey (this is based on the behavioural archetype of Natalie, a young student at uni in her second year).


This user journey narrative (see bottom) is then used to illustrate the taskflow (see right) that shows the user’s journey to their main goal - a chat box to communicate with their new partner.

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tutor buddies
Mobile App

Helping people connect and learn together conveniently - all at the palm of their hands

Tutor Buddies is my take on a prototype app that was created to address a problem that new students at Murdoch University typically face. As discovered from interviews with Murdoch University students, one problem that I discovered was their desire to have a more enjoyable and fulfilling university life. Sometimes, study life is boring, lonely and very stressful, leading to the suffering of students’ mental health which also negative impact their studies and grades. 


This inspired the creation of a lesson/skill exchange app - a purposeful friendship and well-being app that matches students up according to their interests. The rule is that they must offer to teach each other something educative in return - a lesson of some kind such as a language, musical instrument, art, sport or even homework help.


The mobile app underwent a very thorough process of: interviews, user profiling (behavioural archetypes), taskflow, userflow and wireflow planning, kano model survey, prototyping on XD and user testing.

UserFlow: 2 goal paths

Userflow Diagrams


After the taskflow comes the userflow, a more sophisticated way of showing the different options and processes that goes on to reaching a goal. 


This left page is an example of a user achieving 2 types of goals, which ultimately leads them to the “CHATBOX” page in where they can talk to their partner about a meet up time and place that will suit them both. 

UserFlow: 1 error path


This right page shows an example of a userflow error path in where the user picks the function of “Find a Lesson” only to find there are no results for her search of Origami.


To continue on with a solution (and to encourage users to stay on the app), they receive a suggestion to post a “wanted - origami tutor” message in the forum instead. 

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Next, the userflow is illustrated into a wireflow diagram to demonstrate how each screen connects and flow from one to another. Here is a 1-goal userflow translated into a wireflow (This is Goal #1 shown previously on the userflow diagram).

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Mobile app prototype


This is a finished prototype that shows the final UI and UX design and its functions of goal one. In these steps from 1 to 10, we see one critical pathway option users can take to achieve the goal: partner up with a Japanese tutor to learn Japanese.

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